The robots are coming and they’re going to take all the creative jobs and enslave us by the late fall of 2021. Not really. In fact, there’s growing evidence that the collaboration of minds and machines is unleashing a new golden era of creativity.
In this talk, Norts, Co-founder of Tiny Giant will show how artificial intelligence (in all its many forms) can help you deliver social media experiences that will leave your competitors sobbing like a charabanc of schoolboys who’ve just lost a sobbing contest.
And don’t worry, this won’t be an esoteric deep-dive into coding complexities. In fact, it’s been factory tested in South Korea and certified to be a rip-roaring romp through a wow-packed landscape of innovation, imagination and inspired ideas.
Tiny Giant are a band of creatives and computer scientists who combine bold ideas with smart technology to deliver marketing that moves people.
You can read more about Norts here.