Pam Clark, Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach, Heart Math and EFT Practitioner and co-founder of The Emporium of Health will be taking you through an interactive talk in which you’ll be learning HeartMath techniques to build resilience, minimise overwhelm and thrive.
Within the 45minute interactive session Pam will offer insights into this powerful, yet simple set of techniques that can easily be adapted to your daily routine, offering moments of calm, clarity with a positive impact on professional and personal performance. What is HeartMath? Backed by more than 25 years of scientific research, HeartMath techniques are easy to learn and can be used as a daily practice as well as “in the moment”, whatever the situation, meaning that you can access your best self in your professional, social and personal lives.
HeartMath research shows that regulating breathing and generating positive emotions facilitates a whole-body shift to a specific, scientifically measurable state called psychophysiological coherence, or coherence for short. Clients can choose to simply access the techniques and feel the benefit or use the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coherence biofeedback app and sensor to offer real-time insight into their emotional, mental and physical state. By accessing these heart-based techniques we can develop greater self-awareness, become more proficient in self-regulating emotions, thoughts and behaviours thus decreasing the negative impact of stress on our body and mind. This enables us to feel more energized, access greater clarity and live our most abundant lives.