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Caroline Hamilton

by Caroline Hamilton / Commercial Manager

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9th Dec 2019

How many times to do you hear the words ‘let’s get it done before Christmas’ at this time of year? We’ve certainly been hearing it around our coworking space in December.

We look at some of the most common work stresses at Christmas time, with some ideas on how Origin Workspace’s unique coworking environment can come to the rescue so you can enjoy some stress-free festivities.

Lost that work/life balance?

Whether it’s work, socialising or chores around the home, we all feel the need to get things done before the end of the year. And with so much to get ticked off in your personal life to make the ‘perfect Christmas’ it’s easy to lose all sense of equilibrium.

Try to prioritise what really matters and let go of the less important stuff. Remember there’s a strong community of support at Origin Workspace too – whether you need to talk through a work project with another Origin Workspace member or need assistance from our community team to set up a meeting or event, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Cramming more work into less time

Thanks to all the bank holidays, December is a shorter working month – and for many of us, taking extra holiday leave reduces it even further. Add in all those work Christmas lunches that you and your clients will be taking, and December can start to feel like a complete write-off in the workplace.

If you work flexible hours as a hot desk member, it pays to plan ahead and coordinate your working days with clients and coworkers who you need to collaborate with during December.

The same applies for fuller timers with a dedicated desk. Schedule important meetings in as early as possible – that way, you won’t be caught off guard by those dreaded out of office replies later in the month.

Feeling less than festive?

The drop in daylight hours during the winter months can have a huge impact on our mood. That’s because the lack of exposure to sunlight causes a dip in serotonin levels – the hormone that affects our mood. For many people, energy levels can really slump at this time of year, and motivation and productivity can be affected too.

While it’s normal to feel more tired and lethargic during the winter, it’s important to look out for signs of something more serious. If you’re struggling to complete day to day tasks, have no enthusiasm for socialising and low moods are interfering with your daily life then it could be down to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD is a reasonably common condition – one study suggested that up to 29% of us suffer from some form of SAD at this time of year, with 8% of those experiencing ‘acute symptoms’. If you think you could be in that group, then it’s worth seeking help.

At Origin Workspace, we have trained mental health first aiders on hand to help support you and offer advice on dealing with SAD. Talking to your GP is also a good idea, and if you’d like to get anonymous support there are lots of groups to reach out to, listed on the NHS website.

Don’t ditch the workout

With so much to achieve before the holidays, your exercise regime is often one of the first things to go. But this is exactly the time when you need it most.

While it might be tricky to fit in your usual fitness plan, you’ll still feel the benefit from doing even a little. Exercise helps to boost your mood and give you more energy, so a short workout should help to increase your productivity and motivation.

Try to fit in some short bursts of exercise around your working day – from walking or cycling to work to taking advantage of the Origin Workspace gym at lunchtime or our popular early morning  Workout + Network sessions.

Interested to find out more about coworking at Origin Workspace? Our friendly community hosts are always happy to answer your questions – book a showround today and come and see it for yourself.

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