With the start of a new year it can be difficult to get team productivity back on track, especially if there are projects still lingering from last year. Businesses can end up losing precious time with a demotivated team, so it’s worth acting quickly to boost morale and rejuvenate a positive work ethos. There are a few areas managers can focus on to help staff get back into their working routines.
Here are the five areas every team leader can implement to keep morale up and help employees ace their objectives.
December is always a stressful time of year. Not only do employees have to rush to get work done before the month is out but the break away from the office can mean ideas, solutions to problems and discussions get forgotten.
Bring your team back on track with a group activity or team working lunch, to pick up the dialogues and discussions they had before the break.
Here at Origin Workspace we run monthly Workout + Network events free for our community. The get-togethers encourage members to talk about things they are working on or finding challenging, while our wellbeing events help kick-start the day with a bit of blood-pumping exercise.
With a new year comes a fresh start, hopeful resolutions, and a sense of optimism. Support your team by assigning new projects or challenges for them to overcome, it will break the feeling of sameness and give your staff a fresh focus.
If the January blues are taking their toll on your employees, offer opportunities for them to learn a new skill or try something different. Support your staff through their development, either through partial funding or by allocating time for them to update the rest of the team on their progress.
Growth opportunities don’t always need to be work related. Mix things up a bit to inject a sense of fun and fresh energy into the usual routine. We have a Self Defence class scheduled in January for members looking to learn new skills.
The start of the year can feel like it’s never-ending, so take the opportunity to plan long-term to show how your company will be invested in team and individual development over the coming months.
By involving the team in the yearly planning of company objectives, it will also help them feel invested in the wider excitements and opportunities ahead, and hopefully encourage staff to look forward to what is to come for the rest of the year.
Give your employees an opportunity to express what they would like to change, improve or do differently at work, as well as what they enjoy most during their working day. By listening to how the working environment can be improved and expanding on the positives your company can attract and retain the best talent.
These are a few tips you can try to boost team productivity, but every business is different so take the time to find the right tools for your company.
If you are an entrepreneur looking to be more productive in 2019, there are a number of quick-win tips you can try, from taking Trello home to cutting down on digital.