Here at Origin Workspace, we are advocates of corporate wellbeing. We believe in bringing people together through wellness and found that business challenges can be solved better outside a corporate setting. At the start of this year, we challenged ourselves and our stakeholders to join us at the SimplyHealth Bristol Run. We also encouraged our friends and business partners to train with us from January until May to prepare for it.
The SimplyHealth Bristol 10k Run welcomed over 13,000 runners with the route including some of the most iconic areas of the city. The event draws the city to a halt, with road closures and spectators spilling out into the streets of Bristol to support those taking part.
While the run was the main event, we set up weekly morning and evening training runs around the Bristol harbour to encourage those taking part to do their best. Soon after kicking off the weekly training runs, we quickly found that the sceptical runners taking part went from “I can’t run” to “I want to try make it within the hour”. Having the time to get to know colleagues and business partners outside of the usual corporate setting also opened up conversations and discussions that otherwise would not have been had.
Rob Hingston, Head of Origin Workspace, kick started the runs by setting training targets. With years of experience in the wellness industry, Rob also gave useful advice to the less confident runners about what they should be aiming for and the things they could be doing to prepare for the run.
On the day of the run itself, it was swelteringly hot but we all met at the office to limber up before heading down to the start line. Regardless of industry profession or business activity, we all had the same challenge ahead of us and found the encouragement from those around us very inspiring.
After the finishing the run, we all gathered at Brandon Hill to share our experiences and rejoice in our achievements – as team building activities goes, this was absolutely priceless.
Everyone got a chance to enjoy the sunshine with their loved ones and with local food supplied by HOBA and local beer delivered by Lost and Grounded, the day was a huge success and an experience we’ll never forget.
By enabling our colleagues and stakeholders to get to know each other on a personal level, we hope that our business community will continue to go from strength to strength as we grow through personal connections and a sense of achievement overcoming challenges together.
This sense of community spirit is something we also instil at Origin Startup, our package tailored to small businesses who need the resources and community to grow. We are currently accepting entries so please get in touch if you are a small business who needs support.
If you are looking to meet like-minded business people or just want a sneak peak of what we are doing here at Origin Workspace, why not join one of our free Workout + Network events?
Our team will be taking part in future public runs and activities, so if you’re looking for a team to train with, check out our future event listings.